How is she 13?!
05/05/07 God Blessed us with the most adorable baby girl. She was beautiful, sweet, dark haired, brown eyed and a head full of hair. She was perfect and we were in love. And she was ours.
Ohhh Isabella….she reminds me so much of me – my strong spirited child, I think that’s why we bud heads sometimes. But she’s kind. She’s caring. She’s helpful. She loves her brothers but most of all she loves Jesus!

Today was all about Bella’s favorite things. We started the morning off with her favorite breakfast – blubbery muffins but this time I made them in my large cast iron skillet.

For lunch we had her favorite at home Chick-fil-a.

Dessert was simple – rainbow jello and cupcakes.

We had such a wonderful day celebrating you. It was for sure a day of quarantine surprises. We are so glad that God chose us to be your parents, your dad and I couldn’t be more proud of the young woman you have become. Whatever you do in life, remember this one thing – ALWAYS keep Jesus the center of it ALL, if you do that you will see how everything else will fall into place. We pray that your life will be lived serving God.
We love you to the moon and beyond!
Mom, Dad and your favorite brothers….

2 Timothy 2:21
If you stay away from sin you will be like one of these dishes made of purest gold—the very best in the house—so that Christ Himself can use you for His highest purposes.

Happy Birthday to sweet Isabella! Jesus loves you too! Enjoy your blueberry muffin pie!!